Wednesday 21 October 2015


Dear blog diary,

It's been a while and that's because work has been killing!

Yes, it has! well...that's for another day. Let's talk about my transition to ladyhood.

I promised myself a birthday gift (yes, birthday has come and gone)... a dress.

I used to have one which I converted to nightgown just because I'm not brave enough to wear it in the daytime when everybody would see it on me. *covers face* You just can't blame me!

While growing up, I mingled with a lot of guys and there was no activity I didn't participate in. So, you should understand when I say I have different scars on my legs...big, small and medium. Now, tell me how do you expect a lady to wear dresses when her legs are not exactly ladylike?

Now, don't ask me why I promised myself a dress for my birthday... I had a plan! A wonderful plan!
...see a dermatologist and clean the legs before birthday *grins* It was a sweet plan, so I searched the net and got an email. Oh, I sent a mail ofcourse and got a reply to book an appointment....

I was going to do just that when Ope asked...How much do you have in your account?
So, I paused. I was about to a book an appointment with this big looking clinic, to see a specialist and I didn't have more than N10,000.45 in my account. What was I thinking?

Well...I dropped by at Yaba on my way home and bought myself a nice jean trouser, t.shirt and sneakers. Guess the transition won't work this year...Next year In Sha Allah.